Advanced Skin Cancer Treatment. Mohs surgery offers the highest cure rate.
Dr. Marley is one of fewer than 100 dermatologists board-certified by the American Board of Mohs Micrographic
Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology. Mohs surgery allows the doctor to remove thin layers of tissue. Each layer is
microscopically examined to be certain that all the cancer has been removed. Mohs surgery provides the highest
cure rate while removing the least amount of healthy tissue.
Skin cancer is more easily treated if recognized early. Signs include: a new growth on the skin that doesn't
disappear in four to six weeks; a lesion that grows larger and changes color; a mole, birthmark or beauty mark
that increases in size, changes color or changes texture; an open sore that refuses to heal or heals and reopens;
or any skin spot or growth that continues to itch, hurt, form a scab, erode or bleed. If you experience any of
these symptoms, call Dr. Marley immediately. With our CLIA Level III state-certified office lab, it's often
possible to provide a tissue diagnosis within 20 minutes.